Minggu, 19 Juni 2016

Analisis Tentang ITIL (Jurnal Lokal dan Internasional)


ITIL atau Information Technology Infrastructure Library, merupakan sebuahframework yang dibuat dan dikembangkan oleh Office of Government Commerce (OGC) di Inggris. ITIL merupakan kumpulan dari best practice tata kelola layanan teknologi informasi diberbagai bidang dan industri, dari mulai manufaktur sampai finansial, industri besar dan kecil, swasta dan pemerintah.
Dalam perkembangannya ITIL telah mengalami perkembangan seiring dengan berkembangnya teknologi informasi. Pada awal perkembangannya, dokumentasi ITIL terdiri dari kurang lebih 40 publikasi yang terbagi kedalam modul-modul terpisah, setelah itu untuk simplifikasi serta kemudahan implementasi ITIL dibagi kedalam 7 domain yang masing-masing saling berhubungan dan dapat berdiri sendiri. Dalam perkembangan fase ini atau sekarang disebut juga dengan ITIL versi 2, domain Service Support dan Service Delivery dijadikan sebagai CORE dalam tata kelola layanan teknologi informasi atau IT Service Management.
Versi terakhir dari ITIL adalah versi 3. Perubahan mendasar pada versi ini terletak dari sudut pandang pengelolaan IT, dimana pada versi 2 ITIL mengelola layanan sebagai sekumpulan proses dan fungsi sementara dalam ITIL versi 3 layanan sebagai sebuahlifecycle / daur hidup.

ITIL is an integrated set of best-practice processes for delivering IT services to customers. The primary focus is to maximize value to customers (the business) by aligning IT resources with business needs. At it’s core is the basic idea that value is provided in the form of business-aligned IT Services.
ITIL contains detailed process descriptions, flows, success factors, metrics and implementation guidance that organizations can adapt to work in their environment.
The ITIL framework can help organizations establish and improve their overall IT Service Management capability, increase alignment with the business, maximize and demonstrate value to the business.
ITIL doesn’t tell how, or how much of the framework to adopt, allowing organization the flexibility to adopt the processes as and if needed to address their specific needs. Each individual process has documented value to the business, and can be adopted individually. (Though they are highly interrelated and some processes are difficult to adopt in isolation.)
ITIL is no longer an acronym – it’s a branded trademark. (It originally came from  “Information Technology Infrastructure Library” – a rather large collection of books (hence “Library”), each focusing on specific process areas.) It is most commonly pronounced ‘eye-till’ (not ‘eye-tee-eye-ell’)
ITIL has had 4 major revisions – Original, Version 2, Version 3, and currently (2014) Version 2011.
ITIL started as a United Kingdom government effort to standardize and document a standard set of operating practices for IT operations.  A wide variety of public and private sector IT experts were engaged to assemble a collective set of best practices.
Each revision has been based on the active engagement and feedback of a broad community of consultants and practitioners.
Since V3, ITIL has been narrowed down to 5 “lifecycle” phases. The lifecycle is circular, with 5 highly interrelated phases. Though it’s not linear, the phases are:
1.       Service Strategy – focusing on understanding customer needs, directions, requirements, helping improve IT over time
2.       Service Design – focusing on turning strategies for services into a detailed Service description, not just the technology.
3.       Service Transition – focusing on building, validating, and delivering new and changed services to customers
4.       Service Operations – focusing on the day-to-day care and feeding of services
5.       Continual Service Improvement – focusing on identifying and managing incremental improvements to services
One of the reasons for ITIL’s widespread adoption is the active involvement of a global and diverse community of IT professionals, consultants, trainers, and professional organizations.

Analisis :
                Jadi , ITIL adalah kepanjangan dari Information Technologi Infrastructure Library,
Merupakan salah satu framework yang terkenal yang digunakan sebagai panduan dalam membangun sebuah services / layanan. Dan, dalam setiap implementasi ITIL hendaknya dilakukan assessment terhadap proses-proses yang ada kemudian dilakukan perbandingan terhadap proses-proses pengelolaan layanan yang terdapat dalam ITIL. Disamping itu, setiap implementasi ITIL harus memiliki tujuan dan obyektif yang jelas. Tanpa tujuan dan obyektif yang jelas, implementasi ITIL tidak akan mencapai sasaran karena banyaknya proses serta fungsi yang terdapat dalam ITIL
Versi terakhir dari ITIL adalah versi 3. Perubahan mendasar pada versi ini terletak dari sudut pandang pengelolaan IT, dimana pada versi 2 ITIL mengelola layanan sebagai sekumpulan proses dan fungsi sementara dalam ITIL versi 3 layanan sebagai sebuahlifecycle / daur hidup.

Referensi :  
https://itilindo.com/2008/11/21/apa-itu-itil/ (Lokal) 
http://itsmtransition.com/2013/05/what-is-itil-a-simple-explanation/ (Internasional)

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