Minggu, 04 Maret 2018


assalamualaikum wr wb

Hello everyone,

On this occasion, allow me to make an introdaction about who i am. My name is Septian Ade Nugroho, my friend called me Eda. i was born in jakarta, 21 september 1996. i am the fourth of four chilldren. currently i live with my family in Jalan Pesanggrahan Jakarta Barat.

i am discurrently under going in Gunadarma University, expect to be graduate in 2018, which is this year, inshaAllah. A hard worker who has an experience in design and event organization. i am the person who can easily adaptation in public organization or intern oraganization.

The wise man once said. "A Clever person is who knows what his weakness is". so i think my weakness is : careless and sometime less confident. beside of that i am creative person and independent.